About Precipitate
Ace Project, Newfoundland
Precipitate has an option to earn a 100% interest (subject to an NSR). The Ace Gold Project is located on the north-central coast of Newfoundland, covering most of Change Islands, approximately 80 kilometers north (via combined road and 20-minute government vehicle ferry departing hourly) from the community of Gander and its international airport. The region is part of an active gold exploration region that includes high profile gold exploration projects such as Queensway (New Found Gold Corp), Kingsway (Labrador Gold Corp), Dog Bay (Exploits Discovery Corp) and Toogood (Ethos Gold Corp).
Ace Project Highlights:
- Along trend about 13 kilometres Northeast from (i) Ethos Gold Corp’s Toogood Property (reported high grade grab samples included: 7,877, 1,276, 1,113, 226 g/t Au) and (ii) Exploits Discovery Corp’s Quinlan Veins (reported sample results include: 61.3, 59.0, 14.4, 14.2, and 12.6 g/t Au) (1)
- Historical reported visible gold and select rock grab samples up to 164 g/t gold in ‘Change Islands’ mineral occurrence about 1 kilometer to northeast of property border.
- Recent new discovery of the Ace Zone; a 10-20 metre wide alteration and shear zone with select grab rock samples up to 5.4 g/t gold.
- Ace Zone trends northeast-southwest and is situated along the projected trends of numerous high grade gold occurrences of nearby exploration projects.
- Underlain by Exploits Subzone rocks (Dunnage Zone); highly prospective lithologies that host significant gold mineralization across central Newfoundland, including Marathon Gold Corp’s Valentine Project which hosts 3.14 Moz M&I at a grade of 1.72 g/t gold.
Motherlode Project, Newfoundland
Precipitate has an option to earn a 100% interest (subject to an NSR). The Motherlode Project is located approximately 3.5 hours by road from Gander and/or St. John’s within the southeastern region of Newfoundland’s Burin Peninsula, which is part of an active gold exploration region that includes other high profile gold exploration projects such as Root & Cellar (Northern Shield Resources), Heritage (Golden Ridge Resources) and Hickey’s Pond (Bonavista Resources).
Motherlode Select Historical Sampling Results:
- High grade gold rock grab samples: 25.0 g/t Au, 15.7 g/t Au, 11.6 g/t Au, 6.3 g/t Au & 4.5 g/t Au
- Trench/Channel Results: 0.5m of 4.5 g/t Au, 1.5m of 10.1 g/t Au, 6.2m of 3.6 g/t Au (incl. 0.9m of 7.7 g/t Au)
- 2007 Diamond Drill Results (8 holes, 902m): 0.7m of 3.2 g/t Au, 10.4m of 0.82 g/t Au, 1.5m of 2.8 g/t Au
- Historical data identifies at least 11 newly prioritized target areas characterized by elevated concentrations of gold and arsenic with underlying or nearby structural features;
- District-scale potential within an estimated 16.5-kilometre-long exploration trend hosted in late Proterozoic-age Burin Group volcanic and ultramafic rocks;
- Major northeast trending, sub-vertical dipping shear-fault zones up to 30 metres wide;
- Gold enriched quartz veins and quartz-silica stockworks are strongly associated with ‘high strain’ rocks (i.e. shears, schists, folds) with a generally low pyrite content;
- Project regional government till, lake & stream sample geochemistry anomalies include gold, arsenic, antimony, copper, nickel and zinc.
Property Assets in the Dominican Republic
PUEBLO GRANDE Project (100% interest) – adjacent to the world-class Pueblo Viejo mine operated by Barrick (central Dominican Republic). Subject to an Earn-In Agreement whereby Barrick Gold Corp can earn 70% by spending US$10M and delivering a pre-feasibility study before sixth anniversary.
PONTON Project (100% interest) – 30km east of Barrick’s Pueblo Viejo Mine, hosted in the same Los Ranchos Formation geological terrain. Significant untested multi-element epithermal gold anomaly; and
JUAN de HERERRA Project (100% interest) – adjacent to the Romero/Tireo project operated by GoldQuest (west Dominican Republic)
To learn more about Precipitate Gold Corp., go to https://www.precipitategold.com/
For more about the activity in Newfoundland and to view the digital map, go to https://digigeodata.com/area/newfoundland/