The island of Newfoundland has seen a surge in staking activity over the past year.
This initial rush was due to Marathon Gold’s Valentine Lake property that has advanced to the feasibility study with a defined gold resource of over 5 million ounces within 4 deposits.
Then in the spring of 2021, New Found Gold drilled high grade intersections on the Queensway property.
There are now over 100 listed and private companies all looking for the next discovery. This does not include the significant number of individuals staking ground in hopes of vending to a company.

DigiGeoData tracks mineral exploration and claim activity.
One feature that has attracted the majority of our clients is the ranking of newly staked claims and claims that will be expiring within 30, 60, 90, 180 and 365-day windows.
This enables companies to monitor their areas of interest and to graphically see where the latest activity is. This information is refreshed weekly, soon to be updated daily.
The accompanying map shows the staking activity in green over the past 365 days, broken down by the various time periods.
For more information, contact Dan Subtelny; and 647.285.5636 or go to