About Benton Resources Inc.
Benton Resources Inc. is a well-funded mineral exploration company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol BEX. Following a project generation business model, Benton has a diversified, highly prospective property portfolio in Gold, Silver, Nickel, Copper, Lithium, and Platinum Group Elements and currently holds large equity positions in other mining companies that are advancing high-quality assets. Whenever possible, BEX retains Net Smelter Return (NSR) royalties for potential long-term cash flow. In 2021, Benton entered into a 50/50 strategic alliance with Sokoman Minerals Corp. (TSXV: SIC) through three large-scale joint-venture properties including Grey River Gold, Golden Hope and Kepenkeck in Newfoundland that are now being explored.
To learn more about Benton Resources Inc., go to https://www.bentonresources.ca/
For more about the activity in Newfoundland and to view the digital map, go to https://digigeodata.com/area/newfoundland/